MigoyaChess 6.0
MigoyaChess 6.0 has it´s own interface also programmed in VB 6.0.
MigoyaChess is a chess engine developed by Alejandro Migoya Iriarte

This is one of the few chess engines developed in VB6.0 and since I made the source code available in many places over the web, MigoyaChess became a very popular engine among developers.

Engine characteristics:
- Developed in Visual Basic 6.0
- Min/Max  Alpha/Beta search algorithm to depth 7/9
- Extended search to depth 11/13
- ELO tested at 2,050
Download MigoyaChess 6.0
This is the strongest version I´ve developed, but I am working on a new C++ version.
VB 6.0 Source Code
This is the simplified version of the source code.
This is as simple as it gets.  It´s a great start for people wanting to learn about how chess engines work.
C++ Source Code
This is the simplified version of the source code written in C++. This is as simple as it gets.  It´s also a great start for people wanting to learn about how chess engines work.
(see below,  identation was lost)
Contact the author.
If you have any questions or coments, you can contact me at:
Mexico (c) 2002  Alejandro Migoya Iriarte
You may use the source codes published on this site as an aid for your projects, but I´ll appreciate if you give me the credits!   Thanks!

// Developed by Alejandro Migoya  
// alejandro.migoya@gmail.com
// If you use this code, I´ll appreciate if you mention me in your work.

// MIGOYA-CHESS written in C++ is not really a strong chess engine, that´s not the objective.
// The objective of this version is to teach how a chess engine algorithm works.
// I tried to keep the code as simple as possible.
// This version does not include castles and check´s.

// Enjoy!

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

//Constant Pieces
const int King = 10000;
const int Queen = 90;
const int Rook = 50;
const int Bishop = 32;
const int Knight = 30;
const int Pawn = 10;

int Board[12][12];
int AttackedH[12][12];
int AttackedC[12][12];
int Value[20];

int CurrentDepth;
int Depth;
int Abort;
int State;
int MoveNo;
int BestMove[4];
long int Nodes;

int Evaluation();
int Material();
int Development();
int PossibleCrown();
int GameState();
int HumanAproach(int X2, int Y2);
int ComputerAproach(int X2, int Y2);

void PrintHelp();
void NewGame();
void PrintBoard();
void ClearMobility();
void AllComputerMoves();
void AllHumanMoves();
void StartSearch();
void KingCoordinates(int &XCK, int &YCK, int &XHK, int &YHK);
void HumanMove(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2);
void ComputerMove(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2);
void MakeMovement(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int &Moved, int &Taken);
void UnMakeMovement(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int Moved, int Taken);
void HumanMoveGenerator(int X1, int Y1, int MoveType);
void HumanLongMoves(int X1, int Y1, int MX, int MY, int MoveType);
void HumanMoveType(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int MoveType);
void ComputerMoveGenerator(int X1, int Y1, int MoveType);
void ComputerLongMoves(int X1, int Y1, int MX, int MY, int MoveType);
void ComputerMoveType(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int MoveType);

//Main function
void main()
clock_t Time;
char Inst[4];
int Moved, Taken, X1, Y1, X2, Y2;
"Your move: ";
if (Inst[0]==110 || Inst[0]==78) { NewGame(); goto A1; }
if (Inst[0]==120 || Inst[0]==88) { return; }
if (Inst[0]==63) { PrintHelp(); }
if (AttackedH[X2][Y2]!=0)
Time = clock() / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
Time = (clock() / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000))-Time;
"  Time:"<<Time<<"  Depth:"<<Depth<<"  Nodes:"<<Nodes<<"  State:"<<State;
"  Val:"<<Value[1]<<"\n";
goto A1;

//******************SUPPORT FUNCTIONS*******************************************************

//Sets the board to original positions
void NewGame()
for (int X=0; X<=11; X++) 
for (int Y=0; Y<=11; Y++)
if ((X>1) && (X<10) && (Y>1) && (Y<10)) { Board[X][Y]=0; }

//Prints the current board on screen
void PrintBoard()
int X=0;
int Y=0;
"   MigoyaChess C++ (c) 2010         Enter     ? = HELP    |   x = Exit.\n\n";
"    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 \n";
"   ________________________\n";
"  |                        |\n";
for (Y=9; Y>=2; Y--)
"  |";
for (X=2; X<=9; X++)
switch (Board[X][Y])
case -Pawn:cout<<" i ";break;
case -Rook:cout<<" T ";break;
case -Bishop:cout<<" B ";break;
case -Knight:cout<<" K ";break;
case -Queen:cout<<" W ";break;
case -King:cout<<" X ";break;
case Pawn:cout<<"-i ";break;
case Rook:cout<<"-T ";break;
case Bishop:cout<<"-B ";break;
case Knight:cout<<"-K ";break;
case Queen:cout<<"-W ";break;
case King:cout<<"-X ";break;
case 0:cout<<" . ";break;
"|  "<<Y-1;
if (Y >2) cout<<"\n  |                        |"<<"\n";
if (Y==2) cout<<"\n  |________________________|"<<"\n";

//Prints the help commands on screen
void PrintHelp()
char Temp;
"   MigoyaChess C++ (c) 2010 \n\n";
"   Pieces: \n\n";
"   X=King \n";
"   W=Queen \n";
"   T=Rook \n";
"   B=Bishop \n";
"   K=Knight \n";
"   i=Pawn \n\n";
"   Black pieces are represented with a '-' infront of them. \n";
"   Computer will always play black side. \n\n";
"   Enter your move in the form of: X1 Y1 X2 Y2  (Example:  5254)\n";
"   Castles are not yet implemented. \n";
"   Checks and check-mates are not yet implemented. \n\n";
"   Written by:  Alejandro Migoya. \n\n";
"   Press any key then ENTER to continue.";

//Makes a move on board for human or computer
void MakeMovement(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int &Moved, int &Taken)
Taken = Board[X2][Y2];
Moved = Board[X1][Y1];
    Board[X2][Y2] = Moved;
    Board[X1][Y1] = 0;
if ((Y2==2) && (Moved== Pawn)) Board[X2][Y2] =  Queen;
if ((Y2==9) && (Moved==-Pawn)) Board[X2][Y2] = -Queen; 

//UnMakes a move on board for human or computer
void UnMakeMovement(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int Moved, int Taken)
Board[X1][Y1] = Moved;
Board[X2][Y2] = Taken;

//Clears both matrixes of attacked squares
void ClearMobility()
for (int X=0; X<=11; X++)  //Goes through the whole board matrix
for (int Y=0; Y<=11; Y++)

//******************SEARCH FUNCTIONS********************************************************

//Starts the search process
void StartSearch()
for (int X=0; X<=19; X++)   { Value[X] = 0;    }//Reset the layers values.
for (int X=0; X<=3; X++)    { BestMove[X] = 0; }//Reset the best move found.

//Search for all computer possible moves in the current board.
void AllComputerMoves()
for (int X=2; X<=9; X++)
for (int Y=2; Y<=9; Y++)
if (Board[X][Y]>0) { ComputerMoveGenerator (X, Y, 1); if (Abort==1) { Abort=0; return; } }

//Search for all human possible moves in the current board.
void AllHumanMoves()
for (int X=2; X<=9; X++)
for (int Y=2; Y<=9; Y++)
if (Board[X][Y]<0) { HumanMoveGenerator (X, Y, 1); if (Abort==1) { Abort=0; return; } }

//Simulates a movement on the board for computer.
void ComputerMove(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2)
int Moved, Taken;
MakeMovement (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Moved, Taken);
if (Taken == -King){ Value[CurrentDepth] = Evaluation(); }
else { Value[CurrentDepth] = Value[CurrentDepth - 2]; AllHumanMoves(); }
if (Value[CurrentDepth] > Value[CurrentDepth-1] && CurrentDepth > 2) { Value[CurrentDepth-1] = Value[CurrentDepth]; }
if (Value[CurrentDepth-1] >= Value[CurrentDepth-2] && CurrentDepth > 2) { Abort = 1; }
if (CurrentDepth == 2 && Value[2] > Value[1])
Value[1] = Value[2];
BestMove[0] = X1;BestMove[1]=Y1;
BestMove[2] = X2;BestMove[3]=Y2;
UnMakeMovement (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Moved, Taken);

//Simulates a movement on the board for human.
void HumanMove(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2)
int Moved, Taken;
MakeMovement (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Moved, Taken);
if (Taken == King || CurrentDepth >= Depth){ Value[CurrentDepth] = Evaluation(); }
else { Value[CurrentDepth] = Value[CurrentDepth - 2]; AllComputerMoves(); }
if (Value[CurrentDepth] < Value[CurrentDepth-1]) { Value[CurrentDepth-1] = Value[CurrentDepth]; }
if (Value[CurrentDepth-1] <= Value[CurrentDepth-2]) { Abort = 1; }
UnMakeMovement (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Moved, Taken);

//******************MOVE GENERATOR**********************************************************

//Move generator for Computer moves
void ComputerMoveGenerator(int X1, int Y1, int MoveType)
switch (Board[X1][Y1])  
case Pawn:
if (Y1==8 && Board[X1][Y1-1]==0 && Board[X1][Y1-2]==0 && Board[X1+1][Y1-2]!=-Pawn && Board[X1-1][Y1-2]!=-Pawn)
ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1, Y1-2, MoveType);
if (Board[X1][Y1-1] == 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1, Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+1][Y1-1] < 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1, Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1-1] < 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1, Y1-1, MoveType); break;
case Knight:
if (Board[X1+2][Y1+1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+2, Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+2][Y1-1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+2, Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-2][Y1-1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-2, Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-2][Y1+1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-2, Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+1][Y1+2] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1, Y1+2, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1+2] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1, Y1+2, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+1][Y1-2] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1, Y1-2, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1-2] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1, Y1-2, MoveType); break;
case King:
if (Board[X1+1][Y1+1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1, Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1+1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1, Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1-1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1, Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+1][Y1-1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1, Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1][Y1-1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1,   Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1][Y1+1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1,   Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1,   Y1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+1][Y1] <= 0)ComputerMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1,   Y1, MoveType); break;
case Bishop:
ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, 1, MoveType);ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, -1, MoveType);
ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, -1, MoveType);ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, 1, MoveType);
case Rook:
ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, 0, 1, MoveType);ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, 0, -1, MoveType);
ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, 0, MoveType);ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, 0, MoveType);
case Queen:
ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, 0, 1, MoveType);ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, 0, -1, MoveType);
ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, 0, MoveType);ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, 0, MoveType);
ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, 1, MoveType);ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, -1, MoveType);
ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, -1, MoveType);ComputerLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, 1, MoveType);

//Generates computer long moves
void ComputerLongMoves(int X1, int Y1, int MX, int MY, int MoveType)
int CX = MX;
int CY = MY;
int Square;
while (Board[X1+CX][Y1+CY]!=2)
Square = Board[X1 + CX][Y1 + CY];  
if (Square == 0) { ComputerMoveType(X1, Y1, X1 + CX, Y1 + CY, MoveType); }
if (Square  < 0) { ComputerMoveType(X1, Y1, X1 + CX, Y1 + CY, MoveType);  return; }
if (Square  > 0) { return; }
CX = CX + MX;
CY = CY + MY;

//Generates an action upon a computer move
void ComputerMoveType(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int MoveType)
if (MoveType==1) { ComputerMove (X1, Y1, X2, Y2); return; }
if (MoveType==3) { AttackedC[X2][Y2] = AttackedC[X2][Y2] + 1; return; }

//Move generator for Human moves
void HumanMoveGenerator(int X1, int Y1, int MoveType)
switch (Board[X1][Y1])  
case -Pawn:
if (Y1==3 && Board[X1][Y1+1]==0 && Board[X1][Y1+2]==0 && Board[X1+1][Y1+2]!=Pawn && Board[X1-1][Y1+2]!=Pawn)
HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1, Y1+2, MoveType);
if (Board[X1][Y1+1] == 0)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1, Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+1][Y1+1] > 0 && Board[X1+1][Y1+1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1, Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1+1] > 0 && Board[X1-1][Y1+1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1, Y1+1, MoveType); break;
case -Knight:
if (Board[X1+2][Y1+1] >= 0 && Board[X1+2][Y1+1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+2, Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+2][Y1-1] >= 0 && Board[X1+2][Y1-1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+2, Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-2][Y1-1] >= 0 && Board[X1-2][Y1-1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-2, Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-2][Y1+1] >= 0 && Board[X1-2][Y1+1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-2, Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+1][Y1+2] >= 0 && Board[X1+1][Y1+2]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1, Y1+2, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1+2] >= 0 && Board[X1-1][Y1+2]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1, Y1+2, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+1][Y1-2] >= 0 && Board[X1+1][Y1-2]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1, Y1-2, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1-2] >= 0 && Board[X1-1][Y1-2]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1, Y1-2, MoveType); break;
case -King:
if (Board[X1+1][Y1+1] >= 0 && Board[X1+1][Y1+1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1, Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1+1] >= 0 && Board[X1-1][Y1+1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1, Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1-1] >= 0 && Board[X1-1][Y1-1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1, Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+1][Y1-1] >= 0 && Board[X1+1][Y1-1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1, Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1][Y1-1] >= 0   && Board[X1][Y1-1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1,   Y1-1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1][Y1+1] >= 0   && Board[X1][Y1+1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1,   Y1+1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1-1][Y1] >= 0   && Board[X1-1][Y1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1-1,   Y1, MoveType);
if (Board[X1+1][Y1] >= 0   && Board[X1+1][Y1]!=2)HumanMoveType (X1, Y1, X1+1,   Y1, MoveType); break;
case -Bishop:
HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, 1, MoveType);HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, -1, MoveType);
HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, -1, MoveType);HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, 1, MoveType);
case -Rook:
HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, 0, 1, MoveType);HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, 0, -1, MoveType);
HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, 0, MoveType);HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, 0, MoveType);
case -Queen:
HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, 0, 1, MoveType);HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, 0, -1, MoveType);
HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, 0, MoveType);HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, 0, MoveType);
HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, 1, MoveType);HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, 1, -1, MoveType);
HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, -1, MoveType);HumanLongMoves(X1, Y1, -1, 1, MoveType);

//Generates human long moves
void HumanLongMoves(int X1, int Y1, int MX, int MY, int MoveType)
int CX = MX;
int CY = MY;
int Square;
while (Board[X1+CX][Y1+CY]!=2)
Square = Board[X1 + CX][Y1 + CY];  
if (Square == 0) { HumanMoveType(X1, Y1, X1 + CX, Y1 + CY, MoveType); }
if (Square  > 0) { HumanMoveType(X1, Y1, X1 + CX, Y1 + CY, MoveType);  return; }
if (Square  < 0) { return; }
CX = CX + MX;
CY = CY + MY;

//Generates an action upon a Human move
void HumanMoveType(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int MoveType)
if (MoveType==1) { HumanMove (X1, Y1, X2, Y2); return; }
if (MoveType==3) { AttackedH[X2][Y2] = AttackedH[X2][Y2] + 1; return; }

//******************EVALUATION FUNCTIONS****************************************************

//Fast board evaluation - Evaluates board value + board positions - Sate of Game.
int Evaluation()
int Evaluation2=0;
if (State==1) { Evaluation2 = Material() + Development(); }
if (State==2) { Evaluation2 = Material() + Development() + HumanAproach(6, 8) - ComputerAproach(6, 3); }
if (State==3)
int XCK=0, YCK=0, XHK=0, YHK=0;
KingCoordinates(XCK, YCK, XHK, YHK);
Evaluation2 = Material() + Development() + PossibleCrown() + HumanAproach(XCK, YCK) - ComputerAproach(XHK, YHK);
return Evaluation2;

//Calculates game state (oppening, middle, end)
int GameState()
int GameState2=2;
if (MoveNo < 12) { GameState2 = 1; }
if (MoveNo > 30) { GameState2 = 3; }
return GameState2;

//Calculates all board piece values.
int Material()
int Material2=0;
for (int X=2; X<=9; X++)
for (int Y=2; Y<=9; Y++) { Material2 += Board[X][Y]; }
return Material2;

//Evaluates how well the pieces have been developed.
int Development()
int Development2=0;
if (Board[6][6] == Pawn) { Development2 = Development2 + 5; }
if (Board[5][6] == Pawn) { Development2 = Development2 + 5; }
if (Board[3][9] == 0)    { Development2 = Development2 + 2; }
if (Board[4][9] == 0)    { Development2 = Development2 + 2; }
if (Board[7][9] == 0)    { Development2 = Development2 + 4; }
if (Board[8][9] == 0)    { Development2 = Development2 + 2; }
if (Board[3][2] == 0)    { Development2 = Development2 - 2; }
if (Board[4][2] == 0)    { Development2 = Development2 - 2; }
if (Board[7][2] == 0)    { Development2 = Development2 - 4; }
if (Board[8][2] == 0)    { Development2 = Development2 - 4; }
for (int X=5; X<=6; X++)
for (int Y=4; Y<=7; Y++)
if (Board[X][Y] == Pawn)    { Development2 = Development2 + 4; }
if (Board[X][Y] == -Pawn)   { Development2 = Development2 - 4; }
return Development2;

//Evaluates how close a pawn is to be crowned.
int PossibleCrown()
int PossibleCrown2=0;
for (int X=2; X<=9; X++)
if (Board[X][3] ==  Pawn) { PossibleCrown2 = PossibleCrown2 + 15; }
if (Board[X][4] ==  Pawn) { PossibleCrown2 = PossibleCrown2 + 10; }
if (Board[X][5] ==  Pawn) { PossibleCrown2 = PossibleCrown2 +  5; }
if (Board[X][8] == -Pawn) { PossibleCrown2 = PossibleCrown2 - 15; }
if (Board[X][7] == -Pawn) { PossibleCrown2 = PossibleCrown2 + 10; }
if (Board[X][6] == -Pawn) { PossibleCrown2 = PossibleCrown2 +  5; }
return PossibleCrown2;

//Evaluates how close a piece is to it´s objective for human.
int HumanAproach(int X2, int Y2)
double HumanAproach2=0;
double Temp=0;
for (int X=2; X<=9; X++)
for (int Y=2; Y<=9; Y++)
if (Board[X][Y] < -Pawn && Board[X][Y] > -King)
Temp=(abs(X - X2) ^ 2)+(abs(Y - Y2) ^ 2);
HumanAproach2 = HumanAproach2 + sqrt(Temp);
if (State==3)
if (Board[X][Y]==-King)
Temp=(abs(X - X2) ^ 2)+(abs(Y - Y2) ^ 2);
HumanAproach2 = HumanAproach2 + (4*(sqrt(Temp)));
return floor(HumanAproach2);

//Evaluates how close a piece is to it´s objective for computer.
int ComputerAproach(int X2, int Y2)
double ComputerAproach2=0;
double Temp=0;
for (int X=2; X<=9; X++)
for (int Y=2; Y<=9; Y++)
if (Board[X][Y] > Pawn && Board[X][Y] < King)
Temp=(abs(X - X2) ^ 2)+(abs(Y - Y2) ^ 2);
ComputerAproach2 = ComputerAproach2 + sqrt(Temp);
if (State==3)
if (Board[X][Y]==King)
Temp=(abs(X - X2) ^ 2)+(abs(Y - Y2) ^ 2);
ComputerAproach2 = ComputerAproach2 + (4*sqrt(Temp));
return floor(ComputerAproach2);

//Returns the King´s coordinates
void KingCoordinates(int &XCK, int &YCK, int &XHK, int &YHK)
for (int X=2; X<=9; X++)
for (int Y=2; Y<=9; Y++)
if (Board[X][Y]==-King) { XHK=X; YHK=Y; }
if (Board[X][Y]== King) { XCK=X; YCK=Y; }